Ronaldo’s Popular Haircut: A-Z About Faux Hawk Hairstyle

Ronaldo's Popular Haircut


Are you going crazy with Ronaldo’s dribble? If yes, being the hardcore fan, you must try Ronaldo’s popular haircut: the faux hawk. Ronaldo has tried the bolder versions of the faux hawk hairstyle to level up his style game. As the sides of the hair are bladed with the signature razors for shattered arch and medium layered cut, it is great for athletes.

Step-by-Step Guide for Achieving Ronaldo’s Popular Haircut: The Faux Hawk

From the pitch to the billboards, Ronaldo has gracefully flaunted his faux hawk style. As a trendy and super stylish haircut, the faux hawk hairstyle offers a modern twist to the traditional Mohawk. If you are looking to achieve a daring look, then you need to try Ronaldo’s popular haircut: the faux hawk. For you to rock this look, here is the step-by-step guide to achieving the faux hawk look. Let’s delve into the detailing of this haircut.

Time to Gather Necessary Tools

To get started with the Ronaldo’s signature haircut: the faux hawk you need to ensure that you have the right set of tools for the haircut. The haircut tools for this style include hair clippers, a sharp trimmer with attachment, hair gel, wax and a mirror.

Decide the length of the hair

As there are multiple styles for the faux hawk haircut, so at this stage you need to decide on a particular style. Keep in consideration your hair length, facial structure and personal preference of the cut. As the cut can be customized for various hair lengths, so you have to be careful about which side trim and style can suit you the most.

Preparation for the Haircut

Make sure that your hair is clean and does not have product buildup in them. For the exact of Ronaldo’s popular haircut: the faux hawk hairstyle, you need to dry the hair thoroughly to avoid uneven cuts.

Start Trimming the Sides

Using the hair clippers with the trimmer attachment, trim the sides of your head. Start trimming the ends and gradually move towards the center of the head. Depending on which style of Ronaldo’s signature cut you want to copy, you can trim the sides of the hair accordingly.

Time to create Ronaldo’s popular haircut: the faux hawk shape

With the help of a fine tooth comb, partition your hair horizontally from the ear to create neat lines. The lines will serve the purpose of guide for the faux hawk hairstyle. At this point, make sure that the side lines are aligned well with the facial symmetry.

Trim the Top Section

With this cut, Ronaldo’s signature haircut: the faux hawk needs careful detailing from the center. Use the clipper attachment to trim the hair to your desired length. The Ronaldo faux hawk cut with shorter hair in the middle gives a more defined look.

Style of The Faux hawk

As styling of the hair cut is of primary importance, so you can try it out for a clean look. Using the hair gel or wax, you can rub your hair from the center. Experiment with different haircare product lines so that the center puff looks sleek. Until you receive the same texture as Ronaldo’s popular haircut: the faux hawk you can keep on trying.

The Many Variations of Ronaldo’s Faux Hawk

As the faux hawk style fits the face shapes quite well, so most people try out the many variations of Ronaldo’s faux hawk style. The top style among all is the toned-down Mohawk with dead spikes, curly and voluminous Fohawk along with many other styles. For you to try the style, here are the many variations of Ronaldo’s faux hawk hairstyle to follow:

Faux Hawk with Shaved Sides

Ronaldo's Popular Haircut, Faux Hawk with Shaved Sides

For the neat and tidy look, you can try out the Ronaldo’s signature haircut: the faux hawk with shaved sides. If you are looking for an easy hairstyle to change your look, then this one is perfect. Later in the coming time, you can easily transition to a full on Mohawk with this cut. As Ronaldo has set his puff quite nicely with the help of gel, so you can try it out for a clean look.

Blonde Faux Hawk Tapered Style

Ronaldo's Popular Haircut, Blonde Faux Hawk Tapered Style
Image Credit : PINTEREST

To experiment with the edgy look, you can try out the blonde faux hawk hairstyle. Adding the roughly bleached highlight at the center of the hair can make you prominent in the crowd. The spiky hair looks extra cool and goes well for boys who prefer wearing beach shirts. With a piece of chain and earrings, you can further enhance your look.

To give the perfect volume like Ronaldo’s popular haircut: the faux hawk blonde style, you can use the hair wax to achieve the perfectly textured spikes.

Disconnected Faux Hairstyle

Disconnected Faux Hairstyle
Image Credit : PINTEREST

The sharp lines and the curly top faux look strikes a great balance of style and functionality for the on-field players. As the hair on the top are left longer and create a signature look and the sides are shaved short and are disconnected with the help of lines. As you style your hair, you have more options to create spikes or the wavy top.

Why Faux Hawk is the Perfect Haircut for Athletes?

The faux hawk hairstyle has been popular from the mid-2000s and is preferred by athletes, so it has gained immense attention. As the hair needs little care and is easy to carry. Therefore, the athletes prefer this cut on-field and off-field. As during the practice sessions, the athletes can balance this hairstyle with ease, so it is a recommendable hairstyle for athletes.

The Ronaldo’s signature haircut: the faux hawk gives a sleek look that lifts your facial features, so it is a great fit. The perfect balance of style and functionality makes this hairstyle prefect for athletes and other hard core fans of the Ronaldo too.

How to Style the Faux Hawk for Different Hair Types?

To style the faux hawk for different hair types, you need to have a blow-dryer, gel and a good comb. For different hair lengths the styling options can vary but the two common ways to style them are the following:

Method 1- Style the Faux Hawk for Different Hair Types Using Straightener

  • Wash your hair and dry it using the towel until they are damp
  • If you have curly hair, then straighten the manes to form a sleek faux hawk.
  • Apply mousse to your hair and give your hair the lift while using your hands. Distribute the mousse and comb them using your fingers.
  • Tada, the hair will be set at one side, and you care ready to flaunt the Ronaldo’s popular haircut: the faux hawk style.

Method 2: Style the Faux Hawk for Different Hair Types Using Blow-dryer

  • After you wash your hair, blow dry your hair from the left side and orient them to the middle
  • Switch the hands and dry them using your fingers from the opposite sides
  • Now is the time to style your hair using the wax. Apply a small amount of product and rub it gently using the fingers.
  • Try to gather the loose strands of the hair in the middle of your head so that your hair will look voluminous.

The Role of Ronaldo’s Haircut in His Branding and Image

The football icon’s name itself is enough for the branding. As over the years, he has put in extra efforts to look stylish on the field as well to draw the attention of fans towards him. The role of Ronaldo’s haircut in his branding and image cannot be neglected, as throughout his career he presented his personality with confidence and flair.

As various TV advertisements and billboards that involve the hair product line marketing is successful due to his featuring in the ads. In many advertisements, Ronaldo’s signature haircut: the faux hawk takes center stage. Whether he’s promoting sportswear or luxury brands, his hairstyle draws attention to feature his image as a style icon. As fans tried to emulate him, the branding of various luxurious brands gained immense success due to his charismatic personality.


Out of all the haircuts, Ronaldo’s Signature Haircut: The Faux Hawk is the one he tried several times. As an athlete, he has to take care of his style, which is easy to manage on-field. Therefore, he opted for different styles of this cut many times. To flaunt your hair like the Portuguese striker, we recommend you to go to a saloon with quality services and high-end products.

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